Baby Tea Plants at Market
In previous posts Where the Trees Come From and Preparing Tea Tree Clones, we discussed the production of new tea trees. Lets take a look at one way they get into the gardens - the street market.

Introduction to Aged Tea
In Wuyishan, some people say that three-year-old tea is medicine, after ten years a panacea, and aged tea over 20 years is a treasure.

Visit to a Dehua Porcelain Factory
Take a look inside a Dehua porcelain factory. The owner is a family friend, who took us to take a look at how mass produced porcelain is made.
Preparing Tea Tree Clones
First new growth from a mother tree is collected. The raw cuttings are then trimmed to contain one healthy leaf, at least one dormant bud, and a small piece of stem that will grow the roots.
Visit to Dehua Dragon Kiln
Explore the dragon kiln in Dehua, China. The kiln rises up a gentle slope and it fired twice a month. A factory at the base of the kiln slip casts teapots to fill the bulk of each firing, while local artists fire selected wares.
Visit to a Tea Packaging Store
Take a look inside a tea packaging store in Wuyishan. This store has a variety of generic tea packages and gift boxes for sale.

Roasting Tea - Turning a Basket
We open the door and walk into the roasting room at the tea factory. The air is hot and the smell of tea strong. The roast is progressing nicely.