Phil and Mengjiao Cyr live in California and run Old Ways Tea to share Mengjiao's family's tea with tea drinkers outside of China.
Mengjiao's Story
I grew up in Wuyishan, China. Where Da Hong Pao tea is from and home to the original bushes on Wuyi Mountain. Like most people in Wuyishan, my family is in the tea business. Our farm is located up on a mountainside above the farmland which grows rice and vegetables, a few km away from the famous cliffs. When processed at my uncles tea factory the leaves are transformed into the beautiful twists and deep brown color of Wuyi oolong tea.
When I moved to California I thought that tea would no longer be such a big part of my life. Before long I decided to start Old Ways Tea Company in order to share Wuyi culture and tea. The name Old Ways Tea is a reminder that tea is a drink with a rich cultural tradition. This store can help you be a part of that tradition by providing access to a variety of tea and teaware.
Focus on Teas From Wuyi Mountains
We only wish to offer for sale the products we know best. You will only find teas from Wuyishan in our shop, since we know those best. We know that land well and feel confident to offer it's product for sale.
Our Promise
Additionally we promise to only sell products we enjoy and to answer all questions to the best of our ability. Send us an email anytime at: mengfei@oldwaystea.com