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Bamboo Raft Tour of Wuyishan

Although not strictly tea related, the bamboo raft tour is an excellent adventure. The tour is a ride down the 9 bend river which goes through the Zhengyan tea area. Groups of 6 people sit and enjoy the ride while the guides poll the raft down the river. Along the river you get a sense for the history and an understanding for the unique conditions that make Wuyishan a great area for tea.

Bamboo boat warf in the evening.
Closer view of the warf. The boats are brought back by truck and prepared for the next day.
Two rafts are lashed together to make a boat. Six guests enjoy the views while two guides direct the raft.
Many interesting places along the river. It would be nice to explore.
We stopped on a sand bar to take some photos.
Posted on . Posted in Wuyishan. Tagged Tea Places.