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Visit to Niu Lan Keng

Niu Lan Keng is located a bit to the north of the temple and the region where the Da Hong Pao plants reside. Below are some photos from a visit to Niu Lan Keng in the summer of 2017.

The weather was hot, humid, and cloudy. Not many other people were out hiking, I think we only saw one other group while we were there. I climbed up to the top on the south side of the valley and took some pictures of the area and the newer plantings that have been added high up the hill.

Near the entrance there are many signs.
Cliff walls with classic hanging grass.
Looking down from the top of the south side of the keng.
Newer terraces near the top.
Summer growth on the tea trees.
Posted on by . Posted in Wuyishan. Tagged Tea Places.